
Reinventing Hell: The Best of Pantera (2003)

Track List :

1. Cowboys From Hell
2. Domination
3. Cemetery Gates
4. Mouth For War
5. Walk
6. This Love
7. Fu|king Hostile
8. Becoming
9. I'm Broken
10. 5 Minutes Alone
11. Planet Caravan
12. Drag The Waters
13. Where You Come From
14. Revolution Is My Name
15. Immortally Insane
16. The Badge


"1990-2000: A Decade of Domination"

Here is Pantera's new compilation album "1990-2000: A Decade of Domination".

Track Listing:

1. Cowboys From Hell
2. Psycho Holiday
3. Cemetery Gates
4. Mouth For War
5. Walk
6. This Love
7. 5 Minutes Alone
8. I’m Broken
9. Drag The Waters
10. Revolution Is My Name

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