Michael Angelo Batio

Hands Without Shadows (2005)

Track List :

1. Burn (Deep Purple cover)
2. Tribute to Randy (contains elements of "Crazy Train" and "Mr. Crowley")
3. Zeppelin Forever
4. Hands Without Shadows
5. Wherever I May Roam (Metallica cover)
6. Dream On (Aerosmith cover)
7. Pray On, Prey
8. All Along the Watchtower


  2 X Again (2007)

Track List :

1. Intro: The Primeval
2. Rain Forest
3. 2 X Again
4. No Boundaries Intro
5. No Boundaries
6. Time Traveler
7. Peace
8. Acoustic" (demo)
9. I Do for You
10. Science Fiction
11. Planet Gemini
12. The Jam Game
13. Outsideinside
14. Allegory of the Cave (demo)


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