
Nosferatu – Visible But Untouched (1994)

Band: Nosferatu (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Album: Visible But Untouched (1994)
Label: Musica Records
Genre(s): Thrash Metal
Current Members:
1. Agus Lasmono – Vocals
2. Tjahjo Wisanggeni – Guitar
3. Ricky Wolking – Bass (ex Darren Housholder)
4. Mark Bistany – Drums, Percussion (ex Impellitteri)

Track Listing:
1. Thermal Destruction
2. World Of Policy
3. The Phantom (S.O.S)
4. Asylum
5. To Hurt The One… (Missing Track)
6. Nosferatu (Missing Track)
7. This Emptiness
8. Terminal 666
9. Sick Of Goodbyes
10. Taste Like Chicken?

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