
1. "Best I Can" (DeGarmo) – 5:34
2. "The Thin Line" - (DeGarmo, Tate, Wilton) – 5:42
3. "Jet City Woman" (DeGarmo, Tate) – 5:22
4. "Della Brown" (DeGarmo, Rockenfield, Tate) – 7:04
5. "Another Rainy Night (Without You)" (DeGarmo, Jackson, Tate) – 4:29
6. "Empire" (Tate, Wilton) – 5:24
7. "Resistance" (Tate, Wilton) – 4:50
8. "Silent Lucidity" (DeGarmo) – 5:48
9. "Hand on Heart" (DeGarmo, Tate, Wilton) – 5:33
10. "One and Only" (DeGarmo, Wilton) – 5:54
11. "Anybody Listening?" (DeGarmo, Tate) – 7:41


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