THE POLICE ( Synchronicity, 1983 )

1. "Synchronicity I" – 3:23
2. "Walking in Your Footsteps" – 3:36
3. "O My God" – 4:02
4. "Mother" (Andy Summers) – 3:05
5. "Miss Gradenko" (Stewart Copeland) – 2:00
6. "Synchronicity II" – 5:02
7. "Every Breath You Take" – 4:13
8. "King of Pain" – 4:59
9. "Wrapped Around Your Finger" – 5:13
10. "Tea in the Sahara" – 4:19
11. "Murder by Numbers" (Words: Sting, Music: Andy Summers) – 4:36
* Not included on original LP release.

Three other songs were recorded as B-sides.

1. "Someone to Talk To" (Summers)
2. "Once Upon a Daydream" (Sting, Summers)
3. "Tea in the Sahara (Live)"


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